GNG’s 50 Different Safe Surgeries

What is Included in the Comprehensive Examination

  • Disease and

    Tests make sure that all organs and essential parts of the body are existing and functioning healthily

    • Anemia Test
    • Blood Sugar Test
    • Cardiovascular disease test
    • Blood coagulation test
    • Transfusion suitability test
    • Infection Check
    • Kidney Test
    • Comprehensive Liver Test
    • Lung Test
    • Olfactory Test
    • Electrolyte Test
    • Multiple allergen screening
    • Anemia Test

      In the case of severe anemia, breathing problems and cardio functions can be negatively affected causing the increase of danger during operation. Platelets enable blood coagulation therefore preparation for bleeding must be done based on the number of Platelet. Also the number of white blood cells can help determine any blood diseases or the level of inflammation of the body at the current time.

    • Blood Sugar Test

      In the case of diabetes, treatment prior to surgery is imperative to better recovery post-operation. Also, there is medication that one must stop taking and in some cases insulin may be needed to be injected during surgery through constant blood sugar tests during operation.

    • Cardiovascular Disease Test

      Cardiovascular issues could prove complicated and dangerous because of the impending danger that oxygen not being provided to the heart can produce. Therefore this should always be checked prior to surgery.

    • Blood Coagulation Tests

      In order to be prepared for bleeding during surgery, it is imperative that blood coagulation tests must be conducted. In case of complications, the surgeons must prepare beforehand. Also if the patient is taking Warfarin or Heparin, they must stop prior to surgery therefore tests must be conducted to check that all blood coagulation levels are normal.

    • Transfusion Suitability Test

      In case of excessive bleeding during surgery, emergency transfusion must be conducted. This test is done to make sure one is suitable for transfusion.

    • Infection Test

      AIDS, Hepatitis, Syphilis and other infections are tested for in order to prepare for possible infections and sometimes treatment is needed before operation.

    • Kidney Test

      The kidney filters waste and controls the metabolism reaction to medication. It also controls the electrolytes that are vital to the function of the heart. If the test results indicate complications, treatment may be needed prior to surgery. Depending on the functionality of the kidney, medications may have to be used in moderation.

    • Comprehensive Liver Test

      The liver is an important organ that metabolizes many different types of medication. If the liver is found to be severely damaged, there first must be treatment prior to surgery. Also, any medication that harms the liver must be avoided.

    • Lung Test

      If the lungs are not fully functional or disabled, the patient could have complications during general anesthesia mid-operation. Therefore it is important to test the lungs before surgery.

    • Olfactory Test

      Patients will smell scents with different levels of density in order to determine normal/declining/loss of olfactory functions.

    • Electrolyte Test

      Electrolytes have the role of controlling almost all metabolizing functions of the body. By drawing blood and determining the density levels of electrolytes in the blood we can check the balance of electrolytes. This is important because in case of imbalance, the cause must be determined and diseases that can be caused by imbalance must be determined.

    • Multiple allergen screening(MAST)

      Multiple-antigen simultaneous test (MAST) It is a test to define the allergy antigens. During the skin test it tests multiple allergy antigens and also tests the allergic reactions to them.

  • Scan Tests

    With a machine that enables x-rays to scan one’s body thoroughly, we can examine the body comprehensively and in a detailed manner.

    • X-RAY
    • 3D-CT
    • Chest Radiography
    • X-RAY

      X-Rays taken from the front and side with panorama technology will help determine the shape and form of facial bones, dental occlusion , and growth plates in the hands to determine if the growth plates are closed.

    • 3D-CT

      Not only can the shape and thickness of facial bones be determined, but it can determine where the nerves pass by so that the surgeons can make surgical plans accordingly. It can also be used to predict post-operation faces.

    • Chest Radiography

      It is the most simple test one can do to determine problems in the chest including the lungs, and mediastinum

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GNG’s Comprehensive Testing

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In-house Specialists, Medical Technologists, Radiologists and Nurses